Appendix 5: amends to the Council’s Petition Scheme– Part 8.1


How to petition the Council – Petitions Scheme



The Council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns. You can send us a paper petition and/or set up an e-petition online.


How to submit a petition

Petitions submitted to the Council must include –


•           a clear and concise statement covering the subject of the petition;

•           what action the petitioners wish the Council to take;

•          the name, address and contact details of the petition organiser so that we can contact them to explain how we will respond to the petition;

•           the name, address and signature of any person supporting the petition, as well as the full postcode of the place in which they live, work, or study.



Petitions can be signed by any person of any age who lives, works or studies in Brighton & Hove or who uses services provided by Brighton & Hove City Council.


We expect all petitioners and signatories – who may be of any age – to live, work or study in the area of Brighton & Hove. For this reason, we ask all petitioners and signatories to provide the full postcode of either their home address or the address of the organisation they work or study at when submitting a petition or signing it via the Council’s website. The expectation that supporters of a petition live, work and/or study in Brighton & Hove also extends to petitions presented via websites external to the Council.



Petitions must relate to what the Council does or relate to an improvement in the economic, social or environmental well-being of the area covered by Brighton & Hove City Council to which any of our partner authorities[1] could contribute.


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